Release History

Check NetApp-REST

3.1.0 New Checks and Fixes

Released v3.1.0 on 2024-11-07

Compatibility: Ontap 9.8 or later. (check_netapp_snapmirror and some hardware-checks require Ontap 9.9)


  • New Check: check_netapp_node service-processor has many subcommands to check the service-processor

    • state (online)
    • last-update-state (passed)
    • is-ip-configured
    • link-status

    It also prints the firmware version into the message.

  • New Check: check_netapp_lun state: Checks if luns are online and/or mapped.


Checks on a Metrocluster

  • The volume checks have been adapted to skip volumes which are hosted by a stopped vserver.
  • The vserver checks documentation explains how to skip dormant mc-vservers.

See Checking a MetroCluster for details.

3.0.0 New Hardware, Flexcache and Volume-State Check

Released on 2024-07-17

Compatibility: Ontap 9.8 or later. (check_netapp_snapmirror requires Ontap 9.9)


Breaking Change

For parameters that previously expected a regular expression: Beginning with this release, values without tilde (~) are interpreted as strings that must match exactly, and not as regex patterns. This notation is more intuitive, as the former could lead to false negatives, as shown in this example:
The option --exclude=vol1 also excluded vol10 or vol11 or even myvol123. Now, with the new notation, it does exactly what you would expect at first glance: it only excludes vol1.

The new interpretation at a glance:

  • If a value begins with a tilde (~), everything after the tilde is interpreted as a regex. E.g. --exclude=~aggr0 excludes every aggregate whose name contains aggr0 in the name.
  • If the value does not begin with a tilde, it is interpreted as a string that must match exactly. For example, --exclude=aggr0 will only exclude the aggregate whose name is exactly aggr0.

This change requires adjustments to your existing configuration files if they contain options such as --exclude, -X, --include, -I, --ok-value, --ok-state or similar.

Further details and examples on this topic can be found on our page Regular Expressions

New Checks


2.2.0 S3-Buckets-, SnapMirror-Checks, Event-Count

Released as 2.2.0 on 2023-10-31

Compatibility: Ontap 9.8 or later


  • New check_netapp_s3bucket: Monitors size and usage of S3 buckets in DataOntap
  • New check_netapp_snapmirror monitors:
    • health- and mirror-state (healthy, snapmirrored, broken-off, …)
    • last-transfer-size and -duration
    • lag-time (time that has elapsed since the last transfer)
  • New subcommand event-count for check_netapp_ems: Counts the events instead of calculating a rate.
  • check_netapp_node version prints and handles patch-levels (e.g. 1.2.3-P4) now. Please read the documentation if you have already set thresholds in your configuration!

2.1.0 Authorization with tokens, relaxed spare-disk-check

Released on 2023-07-03

Compatibility: Ontap 9.8 or later


  • New parameter --authorization: Allows to authenticate with tokens (keys) instead of username and password.

  • check_netapp_spare disk has received the new parameter --ignore-specs=size|rpm|type|class. This allows you to relax the criteria by which a spare disk is counted as such.

  • The number of instances skipped by --include / --exclude is now printed to the extended message.

  • New check of volumes for their age.

  • New check for counting snapshot copies (e.g. after filtering by age).

    The former command check_netapp_snapshot volume has been renamed to check_netapp_snapshot volume size. Please adjust your command configurations to reflect this change.


  • check_netapp_ems showed a strange behaviour especially with longer lookbehind-values. This has been fixed now.
  • check_netapp_aggregate ignored --exclude and --include parameters.

2.0.0 More Aggregate Checks / New Admin Tool

Released on 2023-03-29

Compatibility: Ontap 9.8 or later


  • “error while deleting file”-bug: Corrects the cleanup process for the memory files so that files that have already been deleted are not attempted to be deleted again.

  • missing fields in aggregate-check (dedup and compress subcommands have been removed and will reappear, when Ontap 9.10 is standard.)

  • check_netapp_disk spare now also works with spare disks with missing rpm value (e.g. for SSD disks)

  • check_netapp_disk spare no longer checks spare disks for spares.


  • check_netapp_aggregate usage and free subcommands

  • New tool ncurl provides a tool for dumping API results. It’s used for developing, testing and debugging monitoring tools against actual running cluster data. (Released as separate product.)


  • check_netapp_ems can filter for severity now (e.g. --severity=EMERGENCY) and gets a --verbose option

  • sorting of output in overall-checks is highly configurable now thanks to the new --sort-by option.

The options --sort-order and/or --sort-criterion are invalid in the v2.0.0 release. Configurations using them must be adapted to the new --sort-by option.

1.6.0 Threshold Comparison Operator

Released 2022-12-02


  • check_netapp_node uptime can now check for overly long uptimes as well, thanks to the new option: --comparison=gt|lt|ge|le.

  • We have implemented the same option in check_netapp_snapshot and check_netapp_ems as well.

  • Documentation for check_netapp_ems: More and better examples regarding thresholds

1.5.2 Improve Documentation

Released 2022-11-26

We have slightly improved the documentation.

1.5.1 spare-check fixed

Released 2022-11-25


  • check_netapp_spare: disk-subcommand added back

1.5.0 More Checks

Released 2022-10-27


check_netapp_spare partition allows to monitor spare-partitions. (For spare-disks use the already existing check_netapp_spare disk command.)

1.4.1 Authfile-Bug fixed

Released 2022-05-03


  • restful checks can now read user and pass from authfile (instead of username and password)

1.4.0 More Checks

Released 2022-02-21


  • check_netapp_snapshot volume monitors the space used by snapshots per volume related to the volume-size or the snapshot-reserve.
  • check_netapp_aggregate object-store monitors the the availability of aggregate object-stores.


  • wrapped help-text for better readability


  • wrong UOM for rpm in message of check_netapp_spare (and omit rpm for SSDs)

1.3.0 Check for missing volumes

Release planed for November 2021


  • check_netapp_volume missing will check for accidentally deleted volumes.

1.2.2 Absolute perfdata for relative volume-usage

Release planed for November 2021


  • check_netapp_volume usage prints absolute perfdata for relative thresholds (–warning=80% –critical=95%) as well.

1.2.1 Volume Usage in Percent

Release planed for November 2021


  • check_netapp_volume usage understands relative thresholds (–warning=80% –critical=95%) as well.

1.2.0 RESTful disk check

Released 2021-08-31


  • New checks:

    • check_netapp_disk will check for the disks container-types
    • check_netapp_volume usage monitors the used space on volumes including functions on aggregated values like the sum, average or min/max.
  • New option:

    • --show-instances=CRITICAL,WARNING, ... allows to shorten the message of overall-plugins. See the docs for this option.

1.1.0 More RESTful Checks and config-files

Never released as stable - features and fixes are included in v1.2.0 now.


  • More checks:

    • check_netapp_ems reads and evaluates the Event Management System log
    • check_netapp_certificate monitors the the expiry-date of server- and other certificates.
  • With the support of the new --config=somefile.toml option the creation and maintenance of large configurations get’s way easier. Configuration files can be used for:

    • large include/exclude lists
    • global include/exclude lists
    • to override the default values (authfile, storedir, …)
  • Improved debugging-facility to tackle down API errors on some Ontap releases: In case of an API-error the error-message contains the endpoint now.


  • check_netapp_shelfenv: Fix error “could not parse api content: json: cannot unmarshal number into Go” (Issue #374)

  • check_netapp_netport: Fix error “cannot unmarshal number into Go struct field NetPort.speed of type string” (Issue #375)

1.0.0 First standalone package

Released 2021-01-28


First standalone package of the binary-only NetApp check plugins. This package is meant as an supplemental to the checks written in Perl with the following advantages:

  • Easy to install - zero dependencies

  • Faster

  • Future prove - uses the latest official API from NetApp (RESTful API)


  • The RESTful API ist not available on filers with Ontap < 9.6

  • Check NetApp-REST is not as feature-complete as the Perl checks but introduces new features or fixes incompatibilities of the older checks with newer Ontap-Versions. Again: This is a supplemental product.