
Checks the channel-type and various aspects of iSCSI, SAS and fibre-optical interfaces.


This plugin can be used to monitor the host interfaces, especially the channel type (driveside vs. hostside).

A typical usage would be:

check_eseries_interface channel-type [...] --ok-type=^driveside$ --include=^220100|^220101
check_eseries_interface channel-type [...] --ok-type=^hostside$  --include=^220102|^220103

The patterns given to the --exclude|-X and --include|-I parameters allow to check specific interfaces only.

With --ok-type=<regex> the channel-type can be defined which should be considered ok (e.g. ^driveside$).

Other Aspects

Besides the channel type, some sort specific aspects like the speed or the status can be checked for all types of interfaces. Please refer to the --help of the check and its subcommands.

These other aspects have nested sub commands. E.g. $ ./check_eseries_interface iscsi link-status -H sg01 [...]. To get the relevant help for each subcommand type --help after it. E.g. $ ./check_eseries_interface iscsi link-status ---help

Output Format

The interfaces and their status are printed to stdout line by line in the following format:

<controlerRef>.<interfaceRef>: <status>


./check_eseries_interface sas state -H --system-id=1 

NETAPP ESERIES INTERFACE OK - 4 interfaces checked
070000000000000000000001.2202010000000000000000000000000000000000: optimal
070000000000000000000002.2202000000000000000000000000000000000000: optimal
070000000000000000000002.2201010000000000000000000000000000000000: optimal
070000000000000000000001.2201000000000000000000000000000000000000: optimal

Checking the SAS state.

./check_eseries_interface fibre link-state -H --system-id=1 

NETAPP ESERIES INTERFACE OK - 2 interfaces checked
070000000000000000000002.2201030000000000000000000000000000000000: up
070000000000000000000001.2201020000000000000000000000000000000000: up

Checking the fibre link-state.

Many more aspects can be checked - please refer to the subcommands --help.