Checks the aggregates raid-status.
$ Raidstatus -H <host> [-I <name> | -X <name>] [--help] [...]
This plugin checks the raid-status of one or more aggregates.
What is considered to be ok is set by the switch --ok_state
ATTENTION: The switch --ok_state
expects a regular expression and e.g.
7-mode DataONTAP returns the raid-status as a commified list like
"raid_dp, degraded". So you MUST anchor the regex in order to avoid false
--ok_state=^raid_dp$ # This is correct
--ok_state=raid_dp # This is **wrong**!!
Setting --ok_state=raid_dp
would tell the check that "raid_dp, degraded" is
ok - when it is possibly not.
Consider using -v
for inspection, if you are not satisfied with the result.
Simple Examples
Check the raid-status of all aggregates using the defaults.
Check the raid-status of all aggregates. Alarm if the status is not exactly raid_dp. (The anchors ^ and $ are very important - please read the docs above!)
Check aggr0 only for being in state raid_dp.
Check any aggregates raid-status, but not that of aggr0.
Advanced Examples
Hint: The input for advanced examples is shortend. Replace the '...' below with ‑H <your filers ip or host-name>
The pattern for ok-state can get quiet complex. Anchoring is crucial, see the warning hint above! The single-quotes escape the pattern from the shell. The pattern in this example also includes 'mixed_raid_type, hybrid, normal' as ok-state.